'연구활동/Working Papers'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.11.02 Working Papers
  • Public perspective on the environmental impacts of sea sand mining: Evidence from a choice experiment in South Korea

  • Public acceptance of a large-scale offshore wind power project in South Korea: Implications from an ordered probit analysis

  • Economic effects of nuclear power and renewable energy sectors in South Korea: A comparative approach

  • Public perspective on constructing sea forests as a public good: A contingent valuation experiment in South Korea

  • What value do people put on managing and protecting an endangered marine species? The case of finless porpoise in South Korea

  • Households’ Willingness to Pay for Substituting Natural Gas with Bio-gas: A Contingent Valuation Experiment in South Korea

  • How much are South Korean households prepared to pay to restore the destroyed area of Gomsoman Tidal Flat and preserve its ecological integrity?

  • Using a choice experiment to explore the public willingness to pay for the impacts of improving energy efficiency of an apartment

  • Public acceptance towards an energy transition policy: The case of South Korea

  • An input-output analysis of the economic role and effects of the mining industry in South Korea

  • Economic effects of individual heating system and district heating system in South Korea: An input-output analysis


Posted by 유승훈
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

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